Recipe for Fat-Free Risotto

Half a leek, chopped

White wine

Half a lean chicken breast chopped

A handful of chopped mushrooms,

Half a carrot, grated

75g rice (I prefer basmati or arborio risotto rice)

Half a pint of stock

Warm a saucepan then add the chopped leek and a splash of the wine. Cook over a medium heat until the leek softens then add the chicken and continue to stir until the chicken is white through (add a splash more wine if necessary). Then stir in the mushrooms, carrot and rice. Stir for a couple of minutes then pour over enough stock to cover the contents of the pan. Do not cover and leave simmering until the rice is cooked (about 20mins). Serve and enjoy!


Seasoning: Add a little salt and pepper to taste. I like to add a little celery salt. Sometimes using this basic recipe I make a biriyani by adding some of my favourite curry spices.

Alternatives: You can buy packets of low fat cooked chicken in most supermarkets or use some of the breast meat from a roast chicken (recipe to follow soon) for an even quicker cook. I also like this recipe with some chopped wafer thin lean ham or quorn. The vegetables are entirely up to you, add whatever’s your favourite or what you tolerate best. Vary the quantity of rice according to your appetite. If you don’t have fresh stock available to cook with I use powdered organic vegetable bouillon as it’s best to avoid monosodium glutamate which is found in most stock cubes.